Remember way back in 2015, the first year we had Row by Row in Canada? Well, I went a bit crazy and ended up with somewhere around 40 RXR kits with little time to make them.
A few of my quilty friends and I have been getting together occasionally for sew days this year so I figured that would be a good time to start making some of these darn rows. I started with the easy ones and have maybe 10 or so finished. Enough for a quilt.
The ones I chose for this quilt had to meet two criteria: 1) they had to coordinate and 2) the stores needed to be in or around the Edmonton (Alberta) area. This quilt will be gifted to my sister-in-law, who lives in Edmonton. I explained the RXR thing to her back in 2015 when we were making the rounds to collect the rows. She is a sewer and has made a few quilts so she "gets" it.
I have a confession - there aren't too many RXR quilts that I've seen that I actually like. Individually many of the rows are cute and some even more than that, but since they are all different (in style, colour and size - it seems some designers can't do math 😎 - assuming they were all to be the same size), and the fabrics are not necessarily coordinating (even though the kits are put together using fabric from the same company) and many of the initial quilts were slapped together quickly to try to win a prize. I get all that. But since I'm way past the point of winning anything, I can put together something that at least coordinates. I won't say it's my favourite quilt, that's for sure, but it's not too bad given what we have to work with.
As a reminder, the theme that year was "H2O" (water) - which is what I named my quilt.
The names given to the blocks by the designers, the store and town name are under the various pix.
"Mountain Beauty" - Country Quilts and More - Delburne
"We are Sailing" - Quiltessential - St. Albert
No name - Quilter's Dream - Edmonton
"Prairie Storm" - Creative Klutter - Irma (note the 3D prairie points)
I had a bit of the Bargello-ish strips left so cut them into these square-in-square blocks to take up some of the negative space around the rows.
"Tide Pool" - Material Matters - Drayton Valley
No name - Extraordinary Extras - Vermilion
A couple more comments - the "no name" ones may actually have names, but I misplaced the patterns and was lucky to find a pix on line that gave the store names, but not the row names. I try to be organized, but I'm not very good at it!
And I am wondering where a tidal pool is anywhere near Alberta! 😎😎😎😎